Rheinberg Photos - March 4 - 9, 1945
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Ossenberg factory
Ossenberg factory - west wall
Ossenberg factory - 170 MM rifle
88 MM gun at Winterswick
M-4 Sherman with 6 direct hits
M-24 light tank showing hit by AT gun
88 MM gun at Winterswick
Field of fire of 88 MM gun in photo 9
German SP assault gun at Winterswick
Field of fire of SP Assault gun S of Rheinberg
Church and town square in Rhineberg
View of Ossenberg factory from south
88 MM gun at NW corner of factory
Field of fire of 88 MM on road to Rheinberg
Bridge at northern edge of Rheinberg
Shell bursts just north of Rheinberg - 8 Mar  45
Rally area - edge of woods SW of Rheinberg
Fossa Canal N & W of Rheinberg looking NW
Prisoners being brought into Lintfort - 6 Mar 45
Burned out American tanks at Lintfort - 7 Mar 45
CP of 35th Infantry Div in Lintfort - 6 Mar 45
CP of CCB, 8th AD in Lintfort - 6 Mar 45
Terrain NW of Lintfort toward Rheinberg
Stream NW of Rheinberg held up adv 18 hrs
Tank tracks of CCB in attack on Rheinberg
Tanks of 36Tk Bn pulling out on 10  Mar 45
Tanks of 36Tk Bn pulling out on 10  Mar 45
AT ditch - Lintfort - Rheinberg - Ossenberg
Gen Devine visiting CP of CCB in Venlo, Holland
British Churchill tank moving to attack Xanten
Terrain in southern perimeter of Rheinberg
Tank tracks of 36th South of Rheinberg
Tank tracks of 36th South of Rheinberg
Terrain looking N from Lintfort to Rheinberg
Terrain N of Rhineberg on road to Ossenberg
Terrain between Lintfort and Rheinberg
170 MM rifle at Ossenberg factory
Gen Devine visiting CCB at Venlo, Holland
U.S. Artillery fire north of Rheinberg
Dogfight over photo 46. Both planes crashing
Terrain between Lintfort and Rheinberg
170 MM rifle at Ossenberg factory
Church and square at Rheinberg, 2019 and 1945
Bridge over Am Kanel, north or Rheinberg, 2019 and 1945
Solvey Chemical works at Ossenberg, 2019 and 1945
8th trucks enter Rheinberg March 9, 1945
Stars and Stripes. Rheinberg Action. Bajorek, Grote, Murray, Buller, McClean 36-B
StuG II at Rheinberg