399th Armored Field Artillery - Battery B
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Armored Fierld Artillery piece
399th AFA Booklet - Title page
399-B, In Memoriam & Awards
Raucourt, France
Chow Line in Margraten, Holland
Wolfenbuttle, Germany
The Rhine Crossing
Benterode, Germany
Blankenberg, Germany
Catching Forty Winks
Two Superman
Ruhr Pocket
Third Section - Sgt. Battagalia and crew
Fourth Section - Sgt. Rossa and crew
Capt M. Sather, Lt. J. Culhane, & Sgt. S. Wilson
Exec. Track - Lt. Culhane and crew
Ammunition Section - Sgt. R. Pearson, Sgt. J. Miller & crew
Kitchen Crew - S/Sgt. W. Gilsinger and crew
First Section - Sgt. D. Burke and crew
Second Section - Sgt. K. Van Sant and crew
Asst Exec. Track - Sgt. J. Shannon, Sgt. A. DeFazio & crew
Motor Maint. Track - S/Sgt. R. Williams and crew
B. C. Track - Sgt. R. Iassogna and crew
R O Track - Sgt. F. Lenheart and crew
Fifth Section - Sgt. H. Miller and crew
Sixth Section - Sgt. R. Vanette and crew
Wire Section - Cpl. F. Conti and crew
T/5 Thomas H. Valley 399-B
1st Lt. Arthur Blatman, KIA 399-B
Pfc Darrell Julson, 399-B